Maid Sama Wallpapers
Maid Sama (Kaichou wa Maid-sama!) is a Japanese manga-anime series.
Main Characters: Takumi Usui (Usui Takumi) is the main male protagonist of the Kaichou wa Maid-Sama! Manga and anime series. He is amazingly talented at everything and he is the love interest of Misaki Ayuzawa, which then later Misaki becomes his wife as shown in chapter 85.
Misaki Ayuzawa (Ayuzawa Misaki) is the main female character Kaichou wa Maid-sama! She was known as the “Demon President” as the former Student Council President of Seika High School. Misaki secretly worked part-time as a maid at Maid Latte.
Cute and HD Maid Sama wallpapers for iPhone, Android and Desktop.